Ribeira de Julião - Palha Carga |
List of Tracks
The Legend tells you what the arrows í mean and how the terms "right" and "left" are used. |
The dustroad to
Palha Carga
is only transitable for trucks and four whell drives. Walking, it gives
quite comfortable access to the beach of Palha
Carga. Especially in the evening, after a nice day on the beach, it is
safe enough to continue in the dusk and to meet the mainroad closer to the
city. As it is not easy to find a taxi there, you quickly can get down to Ra de Juliao
where the chances are better. For sure, the alternative track 206 is the nicer one! Starting Point From there the dustroad winds down all the Rª de Meio î to the South and only in the last moment, close to the sea, it crosses to the next Ribeira è, which is Ra de Palha Carga [PALHAC] |