A typical Cape Verdean mule track
with steep serpentines glued to the rock in the same traditional style as on Madeira Island, where the strongest architectural traditions of the Barlavento come from. Cape Verde bellflowers
contra bruxas (campanula jakobea) show their deep gentian blue.
Starting point
is the curve of the main road through Cabeçalin between Alto António Miguel and Morro Cone Rocha. CABE10] (600m) 100m uphill ↗ over the paved road leading to the pass [CABE11].
At the first houses of Palso, [PALSO] you follow the mountain flu downhill ↗ to the road. [PALS2] (210m)
The little road leads in serpentines down into the city over the Rua de Pened'.
Starting point in opposite direction
you leave the little street ↓ about 40 m before its end.